Wednesday, January 23, 2013

GUSTIN - Redefining Premium Mens Denim

Can't front - I'm a fan of Kickstarter. I think its great that inspired minds and creative individuals can crowd source funds to obtain the tools needed to achieve their dreams and create a viable end product, while at the same time - the 'investors' get to share in the fruits of the labor. I've funded a few endeavors in the past - Enclave and Sunski are two of the more recent ones. I rarely see quality menswear products on Kickstarter - but Gustin caught my eye. Premium selvage denim made in San Francisco, California (of US products) sold at wholesale prices, direct to the consumer? Worthy of checking out for $81 a pop. Picture above is a pair of their standard denim brand new, 6 months, and 18 months in. Currently - they are offering their signature cut only (straight leg) - but will look to be developing a slim fit in their next production run. Check out more info here, and their Kickstarter video after the jump.