Saturday, January 02, 2010

Shawn Stussy comments on "Stussy x Bearbrick" collab

Shawn Stussy, the original creater/designer/owner of the company that bears his signature and last name, comments on the recently released Stussy x Bearbrick 30th anniversarly collab. See below for the shots fired:

"Okay, I try to focus on the positive and soulful with this little blog project here... But, on my cruise through the blogosphere this morning I come across this photo with explanation of what it is, blah, blah, blah... Well now I am forced to make one thing perfectly clear to any of the brethren that frequent this location, or anyone interested in my journey... I, Shawn Stussy, have nothing to do with the corporation using my surname in any way, and have not since I sold my interest many years ago... After seeing something of this caliber touted as something cool, I am more than a little confused and a bit embarrased to tell you the truth... Dude, please tell me this is not what people out there are waiting for... SS"

Follow Shawn Stussy's very visual and artistic blog here, and look forward to S-Double dropping soon!