Friday, August 25, 2006

Digger's Society

So a few months ago, the wonderful website known as via Digital Gravel started their monthly T shirt club, The Digger's Society. I had mixed feelings. I want to be cultured and refined, and hey, its the same premise as a wine club, right? Ok, that wasn't my motive, but the price coming out to about $20 per shirt was, and the fact that they are collarborating with top notch brands (The Hundreds, Mighty Healthy, Fresh Jive, Lemar & Dauley, and many more), they are super limited(only produced for members), and I'm not going to front, I thought that knowing I had a cool shirt coming in the mail every month would give me a break from surfin' the net for sick shirts so much (hasn't happened yet, but you never know). ANYWAY... I joined, and here is September's shirt: