Saturday, July 14, 2012

Mark McNairy Spring/Summer 2013 Lookbook (Feat Danny Brown)

Wow - this is this best lookbook I've seen in awhile. Is there anyone you could imagine that would be a better fit to model Mark McNairy's charismatic and eccentric designs than Danny Brown?! NOT....A.....CHANCE! There is a also a nice interview with designer Mark McNairy here that is worth a look. He touches on how he's a fan of Danny Brown, and how they linked up via Twitter. The fact that he had Danny pose with some Cool Ranch Doritos says it all (if you don't get the reference - check #5 on Pigeon&Planes list of top 10 most absurd Danny Brown lines here). 
After the jump are some more of the charismatic rapper stylized by Mark McNairy. 

Download one of my favorite albums of 2011, XXX - here.